Black Mirror Sotryboard - NoseDive

For this week we were asked to create a storyboard of either a commercial, show or movie. I went ahead and did a storyboard of an opening scene in one of my favourite shows, Black Mirror. I started with the very first scene and for all of my images I just simply paused the show took a screen capture then used that as my photo reference!

The first image is Lacie starting her morning with her usual morning run! I started with linework then added my greyscale shading after I was happy with the layout of this thumbnail.

The second thumbnail Lacie stops during her run to have a little break and checks her phone immediately to see what "her" current rating is.

The third thumbnail is a close-up shot of Lacie checking her phone, again for all the thumbnails I always proceeded with linework first, shading second and hilites are added lastly if necessary, which in this thumbnail I felt they were to add to the dark "grass background"

In this fourth thumbnail Lacie showers after her morning run and views again her social rating, which happens to be "4.2" she is content with this number but wants it to be higher up. The process is still the same; linework then shading.

In the fifth thumbnail, it is a view from Lacies perspective and she is viewing the other around her as she steps out. There are halos around peoples heads which indicate what their social ratings based on other people. The process continued to be the same as previous thumbnails; linework, shading and in this specific scene hilites as well.

In the sixth and final thumbnails, Lacie is looking at her "happy" cookie as she gets higher rates from others in the cafe! The process continued from the previous thumbnails as well.


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